Wednesday, May 20, 2009

13 days and 56 more to go

It's been 13 days since she left. About 56 more days until she comes back.

It's been hard sometimes,most of the time, needing someone to talk to. She's always there for me physically the 3 years and 5 months we've been together. Well now she's still there for me i guess. Just not physically.

I yearn for her. Now more than ever before. I miss having her near me. Just having to drive at most an hour to see her.

I'm waiting for your return lil lia. and i yearn for u. now n always.


Wanderlust said...

at least you could count Lia's return.
i don't have the guts to count mine.
it's killing me.

alif said...

hahah u'd be surprised of what i did!! =P i counted the days i've left for LI since the 1st day i was working there =P

kinkin said...

aww alif i miss her too! stay strong k =))

Lia said...

:'( im yearning to be near you too sayang. ure on my mind all the time for instance right now when im suppose to be doing my work yg berlambak nie :P i love u so much Alif *bigtighthugs* i miss u as much too kinkin! and lifah take good care of urself there ayte!