Friday, April 24, 2009

Exams.. how i miss you

I feel really isolated and alone right now...

I'm sitting on my red plastic chair criss-crossing my leg on my side of the room in this abode i call 'home' for the past 3 years of university life cursing at this god forsaken hand-me-down laptop from my dad. I just watched Valkyrie halfway through and suddenly it all goes slow motion and i can't take it anymore!! My roomate is half studying while the other half of his attention is else where between facebooking and humming a tune. This past week was the only week since January that i actually came back from work and actually manage to be in my room the latest at 7pm. My life revolves around AIESEC and Lia of course :) It's not that I've never noticed it before but I didn't know that life is so boring without both of them. No more meetings til late nights, dinner dates, hanging out at mamak sessions. I'm gonna miss those things. Instead of meetings now we have daily reminders, dinner dates turn into a quick bite or some tapau food, and hanging out at mamak stalls turn into me going back to my room being alone. I'll be staying at home next semester, no more late night mamak-ing for me. Instead, i'll be home with my mom, just the two of us on alternate months (since my dad is only around on alternate months) while my brother will be venturing his new beginning into University or pre-U (depending on what he gets).

I miss exams... i hate working...

but then again people always want what they don't have.
At this moment, i don't have classes and exams.. gosh how i miss skipping em ;)


Lia said...

aww hun *bigtighthugs* after this dinner dates will be skype dates :(

alif said...

At least we still have dates right lia *hugs*

2 months for a DT.. We can handle it hunny!!