Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stubborn me ;)

It feels like the exam period all over again! With tons of work to do but so so so freaking lazy! A lot of things to be completed. datelines to be met but yet so so lazy! Well have you eaten something really really tough? (tough as in really chewy til the point it becomes inedible?) I feel like that right now. Well in a way i think of myself as that piece of meat heheh Being so freaking stubborn and not giving up but at the same time not knowing why on earth is it being so tangy and tough! I feel like i'm never gonna give up! That's for sure. But at the same time i'm not doing anything to help the situation. Never giving up is one thing. That's just being stubborn i guess. Well i am stubborn. Most of the time i won't admit defeat even when the whole roof is collapsing on to me. Even now at this point of time, i won't give up.. And i'll start doing something instead to prove that i'm not giving up. Instead of just saying i wont give up. I'll actually try to do things instead!! Well i know its how it should be done in the first place but rambling everything out blogging aimlessly about sometimes helps me realise things :)

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